The common schools that practice fengshui nowadays are many and the books that are published teaches how to calculate qi on the belief (mistaken?) that they will be enough to bring all the goodness to whatever we are trying to do.
Most of the common systems today are of rather recent evolution. By recent is meant that they evolved in the last four or five centuries. Taking a trek down history, we discover that what is practiced today were not mentioned or recorded anywhere beyond a little over a thousand years ago. It was during the early days of the Tang dynasty, so the story goes, that the new emperor who happened to believe in the power of metaphysics to dictate heaven and man commanded a monk to come out with a new but false version of metaphysics. This the good man did. True to the emperor’s expectations this became the new syllabus of study for all who came to the capital so much so that over time what was false and what was the original became unclear.
There are four famous names in Chinese metaphysical history-Yang, Zheng, Liu, Lai. Yang was especially famous being credited with the fengshui classics like the ‘Dragon Strategem Canon’. Zheng and Liu were his students. Lai popularly know as Lai Bo Yi was a famous Song dynasty astrologer and scholars. Of course all the others were master scholars too.
All was fine until along came the renowned Zhiang Da Hong who wrote “Correcting the principles of geomancy” which threw out all the classics like “The Green Satchel Canon” claiming them to be erroneous.
However, he did not say on what basis his claims were based and from that point on no one really knew what fengshui was anymore. As more and more schools grew, the mud got thicker.
So what is the way out? We can perhaps go back to an earlier time before the Tang dynasty to see what it was that the olden people practice or what their theories were but then again, we must acknowledge that things then were much simpler and actually culturally different.
Most may not know that fengshui is so much tied in with fate. In fact, fate and its astrology predate fengshui. In saying that it also means that one has to study the theory of fate analysis before one can even begin to understand fengshui. If this were so then maybe the mysteries of the real fenghsui lies through a study of fate analysis?
People want to position themselves with fengshui. They go to astrologers and fengshui masters hoping to have a winning advantage. Perhaps it may be better for them to recognize that maybe it is better to take a closer look at the law of Karma.