Friday, October 26, 2007

Reiki and Self-Healing

Ever so often, we forget that Reiki is also a self-healing therapy. The basic medicine is the perfection of self. To achieve perfection of self is a life time journey and goal in itself. It is true to say that no matter how much we devote to attaining this perfection, it may still remain a distant goal. However, like it is said, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

This healing of self applies to all practitioners, irrespective of whether we are Reiki I, II, III or no Reiki 0. If we care to ask ourself what really ails us, it is not surprising that we single out our work, our lifestyle or our attitude as the main culprits. When we begin to dissect these causes, we find that underlying our problems are many emotional conflicts that we have difficulty resolving.

Looking a little further in, we may just find the reason why we are feeling the way we do. Slowly we can understand why we react the way we do in our interactions in daily life. Maybe then, during moments like these, we can apply the principles and watch our emotions fade.

The theory of wholistic healing says that our physical ailments are manifest from our emotional persona. Given this as correct, then the principles become good medicine.

This basic self healing is not just about the healing of our physical pains but also our emotional and mental ones as well. Ultimately, we evolve into healing ourselves spiritually.

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