Sunday, May 4, 2008

Animal astrology from Turkey

At this crepuscular hour may I tickle your curiosity by this fact. It may make you rethink whether you should believe so much of the hocus pocus that you read from those fashionable fengshui books.

The twelve animals cylce, that we know, that is, the dog, rooster, rat etc is known to the Anatolian shepherds of remote Turkey even today. The Turks have a completely different culture and religion from the Chinese not to mention the great geographical divide. This may possibly mean that the animal cycle that we know so well is imported into China a long time ago.

Still paying for those astrological books and magazines? Ha Ha!

1 comment:

Penny said...

I've got a question...but it doesn't relate to this post :P A colleague of mine was saying it's not good feng shui to be sitting under a sprinkler. Is this true? I should be careful NEVER to set it off... ;)