Sunday, February 10, 2008

Natural body qi in healing

I read somewhere that the natural energy vibrations from our body contribute to our overall well being. It goes to say that any healing process is better if we do not allow our clothes to constrict us. That goes for tight elastic and synthetic clothing. The writer called it 'wei qi'.

I feel there is some truth to this. In the process of Reiki and hands on healing, the flow seems better when the hands are near the skin. For Reiki workers, I think if you try to lay your hands over or around a belt buckle or wallet, you will feel some blockage in your efforts.

Ever wondered why hospital attire are loose and of cotton? It is due to convenience of course but that is welcomed as it likely to be a contributor to better healing.

I hear too that yogis develop better meditation inversely corresponding to the volume of clothing they have on.

The natural remedy of flower bathing for a multitude of bodily and mental problems too require loose cotton clothes or better still none at all. Perhaps it has a connection?

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