Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shadow of a temple

Tip for today is not to buy a house if the shadow of a temple falls over the property. Why?

Temples are gathering places of yin forces. The shadow is caused by a lack of yang. Yin is not inherently good or bad but too much yin together makes it too strong to mange. Living people and houses are yang and should stay that way. When strong opposing forces are present, there will be difficulty striking harmony.

There is another aspect to temples. The convergence of people creates waves of yin yang forces and this amount to huge cyclical movement. Such peaking and troughs of qi is not conducive to homes in general.

However we are talking about temples in a general sense but there are instances where temples or worship places become a good thing for the community. A saint living there for example can only emanate goodwill for the surroundings.

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